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Sound Revv Headphones (Good or Not?)

Blue Headphones on the orange color background
Many high-performance headphones come with cases and can be folded up and easily stored.

Sound Revv Headphones are around for quite some time now. If I am not wrong, it has been introduced to the market in 2005 and since then controversy related to these headphones are circulating in the market.

The manufacturer claims that these bone-conducted headphones give the best sound experience while do not cancel the noise around. So, that the user is aware of their surrounding.

For some people, these Sound Revv Headphones are the best thing that has happened to them, as they enable it’s used to listen to the sound coming from the headphones and also allow the sound from their surrounding to be heard.

For others, the above-mentioned quality is worth the money the manufacturer is charging for the piece of the headset.

And for some people, this entire idea of bone-conduction headphones is a scam! These people claim that all the reviews on the internet are bought and make no sense in real life. Some people even compare them with a toy set.

Let’s dig into the topic by answering different questions that people often think regarding Sound Revv Headphones.

What are the benefits of bone-conduction headphones?

Close-up Of A Man Trying To Hear With Hand Over-Ear
Bone-conduction headphones do not cover your ears

Bone-conduction headphones are not your regular headphones.

Regular headphones are designed to cover your ear entirely. Now, it is up to the model if it has a cancellation feature or not, but there is a huge possibility that you would not hear anything from your surroundings.

While bone-conduction headphones do not cover your ears. They rest on the sides of your cheeks so that you can be aware of your surroundings.

Why is that beneficial? On long train journeys or even at a run in the park, one needs to be vigilant, at least most of the time. In that case, headphones like such help to focus on the surroundings, while you can also enjoy your music along the ride.

It is thought that if a headphone does not cover the ear, how come it gives a better sound experience? The passing waves through your eardrum make sure that the sound is reaching the master with perfection.

The benefits of Sound Revv Headphones are not limited to that, it is claimed that bone-conduction headphones are good for hearing-impaired people. Let us discuss this further in the next section.

Do bone-conduction headphones work for the deaf?

Bone-conduction headphones were designed for people who are always on the run, love listening to music but prefer to be aware of their surroundings.

Nonetheless, these headphones have one another characteristic that makes them stand out from the rest of the range of headphones. And that quality is that it can be a good option for deaf people, especially children.

These bone-conduction headphones do not claim to be a hearing aid but the vibrations touching the eardrums enables hearing sensation.

This technology is becoming more common and liked. It mostly helps young people and children to go on with their lives.

People do like bone-conduction headphones, but they still think that their life span is not enough as compared to the money the sellers are charging against this gadget.

After all these years of innovation and manufacturing, these Sound Revv; bone-conducted Headphones are still a controversial topic.

Does bone conduction actually work, or is it a scam?

Different people, different opinions. The internet is full of opinions on several topics. Sound Revv Headphones are not backing in that area.

If you search for the reviews, you will find so many positive ones except for a few exceptions. While information-oriented websites are filled with questions and answers that confuse people more.

To learn if the bone-conduction headphones are for real or just a scam, it is better to get first-hand information from someone you know to have used them in real life.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of bone-conduction headphones?

A man enjoying his precious time
Wireless headphones make your life easier

Every new or old innovation has its pros and cons. Sound Revv; bone-conduction Headphones are no exception.

These headphones are great for some reasons and can be a priority to purchase, but their disadvantages can also not be neglected.

Check out the following table to see the advantages and disadvantages of bone-conduction headphones.

Advantages of Bone-Conduction HeadphonesDisadvantages of Bone-Conduction Headphones
Good for hearing-impaired individuals.Its battery life is short.
No ear-wax problems.They are expensive.
No infections.Not so reliable.
Helps people with tinnitus.The sound quality is somewhat compromised.
The advantages and disadvantages of bone-conduction headphones

Can you wear glasses with bone-conduction headphones?

Wearing glasses is a need for some people, while for others it is a style statement. No matter what, you can enjoy wearing glasses while wearing bone-conduct headphones too.

This headphone is designed in a way that enables its user to wear glasses with ease. Making bone-conduction headphones stylish and practical.

No matter if you wear glasses or not, before making a purchase, you must think if it’s the right choice for you. In that thought process, many questions must arise in your head.

Check out this video to learn if bone-conduction headphones are the right choice for you or not.

Are bone-conduction headphones right for you?


In this article, we have discussed:

  • Sound Revv Headphones are great for listening to music while it keeps you alert with your surroundings too.
  • These headsets are good for hearing-impaired people, too.
  • Rather than sitting on the earbuds, these headphones leave the earlobe alone and rest on the cheeks. Sending away vibrations through the ear drum.
  • This is one of the reasons for the non-noise cancellation feature and improper sound quality.
  • These headsets are expensive and people often argue that they are not worth the money.
  • Some people talk in favor of this product, while others say that it is a scam and nothing else. People often compare this piece of gadget with toys.
  • These headphones are not only good for deaf individuals but also help people with tinnitus.
  • With these headphones, you can be sure of no ear wax and no ear infections.
  • Other qualities aside, the battery life of these headphones is low and the life span of this product is not very long too.

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